By Bro. David Mathis

David’s Daily Devotion for Aug. 11

August 11, 2023 - Good Morning! It's Friday, August 11.

Every year, on the Sunday before school starts, my church takes a moment to honor teachers, to thank educators, to pray for all those in our community who shape and mold and bless our children. This Sunday is that moment, and any local teacher is warmly invited to join us at our 10:15 service.

David's Daily Devotion for August 9

August 9, 2023 - Good Morning! It's Wednesday, August 9.

A quiz to start out your mid-week! Can you guess what each of these people invented?

*Louis Braille
*Joseph Guillotine
*Henry Heimlich
*Jules Leotard
*Candido Jacuzzi
*Rudolph Diesel
*George Ferris
*Nacho Anaya
*Samuel Morse
*Hans Geiger
*Emo Rubik
*Earl Tupper
*Samuel Colt
*Frank Zamboni

Do you get an A+? I'll bet you did. Each invention, of course, was named after the inventor. 

David's Daily Devotion for August 7

August 7, 2023 - Good Morning! It's Monday, August 7.

Last night, my church celebrated The Lord's Supper. At the end of the service, we sang a song. Here's the story behind that song.

In 1755, John Fawcett, 16 years old, was converted under the preaching of the famous evangelist George Whitefield. God called him to preach not long after and, at the age of 21, he became pastor of a small, working class church in rural England. A few years later this gifted minister was offered a position at a large church in London - a huge step forward in his ministry career.

David's Daily Devotion for Aug. 3

August 3, 2023 - Good Morning! It's Thursday, August 3.

Most of us live lives that are incredibly blessed. We have the strength to get up each day and the freedom to go out to meet the world. We can spend time with friends and family. We can attend our churches to worship. We can experience a full and active life. But nursing home residents and shut-ins often live lives that are isolated from the world, unsupported by friends and family, lonely and alone.

David's Daily Devotion for August 2

August 2, 2023 - Good Morning! It's Wednesday, August 2.

What is life? That's a pretty serious question for this late summer Wednesday. But it's an eternal question that's crossed everyone's mind from time to time. What is the meaning of life? 

Is life just the accumulation of time? I did some math and figured out I've lived 24,090 days, 578,160 hours, 34,689,600 minutes. I had to lie down after that! That's something I've spent about 200,000 hours doing, by the way.

David's Daily Devotion for August 1

August 1, 2023 - Good Morning! It's Tuesday, August 1.

Here's the kind of fact that always makes me chuckle. "On this day, in 1774, scientist Joseph Priestly discovered oxygen ". So, what was everybody doing before Sir Joseph made his "discovery"? Stumbling around gasping for air?

Here's another - "In 1492 Christopher Columbus discovered America". That bulletin must have been startling news to the 50 million people who already lived here when Chris arrived!

David's Daily Devotion for July 31

July 31, 2023 - Good Morning! It's Monday, July 31.

On this day, 35 years ago, my oldest daughter was born. It seems like just yesterday that we brought her home from a Fort Worth hospital. And around this time, 17 years ago, she left our home for college. That's a scene that's being replayed in countless families again this year, a moment, perhaps more than any other, that serves as a rite of passage from childhood to adulthood.


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