By Doug Fincher

“XMAS” By Doug Fincher

December 17, 2018 - “You are the Christ, the son of the Living God…” Matt. 16:16

I was really surprised when one of my seminary professors suggested that we use an “X” to abbreviate “Christ” when taking notes in his Homiletics class.  “You’ll have a hard time keeping up with my lectures unless you know shorthand or can create your own,” he warned. I learned right away that he gave us good advice.  

“Dividing the Mind” By Doug Fincher

December 3, 2018 - “A double minded man is unstable in all his ways….” James 1:8  

When I decided to get a B.A. instead of a B.S. at ETBU, I knew I would have to take a course in some foreign language. And since Greek was the World language when Jesus was born and since our New Testament was originally written in Greek, I decided Greek would be my foreign language choice.

"I Could Type" by Doug Fincher

November 19, 2018 - When I was in High School, Mrs. Heyer’s typing class was my favorite. Even though I never learned to use my “little fingers” as part of my home keys, my love for it made me the fastest in the class and I was soon typing 75 net words a minute on an old Royal Manual typewriter. I liked typing so well that I typed sentences with my fingers as I walked along the streets of Center, Texas.

“Will” by Doug Fincher

November 5, 2018 - When I returned from a Lion’s Club meeting one day, Pam met me on the porch. “Doug, you just missed a true Mountain Man,” she said. “He came to see your gun shop… he was tall, wore a big hat, and had a Sam Elliot mustache. He said he’d be back tomorrow.”

“Harvey” by Doug Fincher

October 29, 2018 - When I recently called my brother Joe (who lives in Orange, Texas) to ask if he wanted to go photographing birds with Pam and me, he said he couldn’t go “because of Harvey.” I thought he was referring to the high water left by Hurricane Harvey but instead he was talking about a baby squirrel that fe


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