June 30, 2018 - I was sitting in the car while Pam shopped at “The Stage” in Nacogdoches yesterday when I got a call from my son Mark (my son that lost an eye and leg in an auto accident five years ago.) He began his call as he always does: “What y’all doing?” When I told him we were in Nacogdoches, he replied, “I am, too. I’m on my way home to Tenaha and want to tell you what happened at The Eye Clinic today.”
July 2, 2018 - My brother Joe (lives in Orange, Texas-retired from DuPont) has always loved to quail hunt and during his years at DuPont searched out the coveys of birds in the Orange/southwest Louisiana area. One day, he, his dog “Reb” and his hunter/friend Jim planned a hunt in Starks, Louisiana.
June 18, 2018 - A little girl spent the night with her friend Susie who lived with her grandmother. As they were saying their prayers that night, Susie prayed so loudly that her friend remarked, “You don’t have to pray so loud! God’s not deaf!” “I know”, she replied, “but Grandma is!”
“Listen to me and eat what is good....” Isaiah 55:2
May 28, 2018 - Last week Pam and I went on the Dr. Adkin’s no-carbohydrates diet. Pam thinks she needs to lose and I know I do. (She needs to lose five pounds and I need to lose 25). She got the program off the Internet and we drove to the Nacogdoches Wal-Mart Superstore for the steak, pork chops, bacon, sausage, cheese, eggs, tuna and salmon needed for the big diet. We even bought a gas grill to assure its finest flavor.
"And in praying use not vain repetitions, as the Gentiles do: for they think that they shall be heard for their much speaking." Matthew 6:7
May 7, 2018 - Muslims pray fifty prayers every day and pray them five times daily. There are several religions that use prayer beads to keep track of their repetitious prayers. Among these religions are Hinduism, ISLAM, Buddhism, Sikhism, the Bahai belief and some Christian denominations.