Submitted by Billie Jones

The Piney Woods Photographic Society April Meeting

April 24, 2015 - The Piney Woods Photographic Society is meant for camera enthusiasts of all skills and interests. Our goal is to help you become a better photographer and give you a place to meet others who share your passion for photography. We try to create programs and activities with information and instruction for all skill levels in an environment of support and cooperation.

Visitors are welcome to attend our meetings with or without a member.

Pineywoods Photographic Society Announces February Challenge Winners

February 22, 2015 - The Pineywoods Photographic Society (PWPS) held their monthly meeting this past Saturday, with the critique competition being "REDS." There was a great workshop co-hosted by Janet Hughes and Dennis Harris on "Using Flash". This was enjoyed by all in attendance considering the extreme discussions that took place. Thank you Janet and Dennis.

The PWPS would like to welcome new member Sheila Harris, Center, Tx.

February 2015 Challenge Winners, Theme - Reds:

Piney Woods Photographic Society Announces December Winners

December 22, 2014 - The Piney Woods Photographic Society held their December meeting with the following winners in the December Critique "Seasons".

The Piney Woods Photographic Society is meant for camera enthusiasts of all skills and interests. Our goal is to help you become a better photographer and give you a place to meet others who share your passion for photography. We try to create programs and activities with information and instruction for all skill levels in an environment of support and cooperation.


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