Submitted by Billie Jones

Piney Woods Photographic Society Announces Challenge Winners

September 24, 2019 - The Piney Woods Photographic Society (PWPS) held its regular monthly meeting this past Saturday, in Center, TX with the monthly challenge "Perspective/Framed" being photographs submitted by members for evaluation and voting. The PWPS members really show great initiative in their photographs this month. The challenge favorites are shown below. To view all the challenge photographs check out the Piney Woods Photographic Society Flick Page .

Piney Woods Photographic Society August Challenge Results

August 18, 2019 - The Piney Woods Photographic Society held their regular monthly meeting this past Saturday, August 17, 2019, in Center, TX. The monthly challenge featured members photographs on "Macro/Close-up."  

There was also a workshop on "Perspective" in photography on how to shoot from different angles for a bigger impact on your photographs.

August Challenge "Macro/Close-up" Photography

PWPS Monthly Challenge is “Macro/Close up Photography“

The Piney Woods Photographic Society would like to announce that their regular monthly meeting will be taking place this Saturday, August 17, 2019, at the First United  Church, 211 Porter Street, Center, TX. from 9am - 12pm. The monthly challenge is "Macro/Close up Photography" with a workshop presentation on "Perspective in Photography.”

 This Macro/Close-up challenge is going to present some really unique photography submitted by club members. Anyone interested in learning more about photography, or cameras in general, is welcome to join us this Saturday.  

Pineywoods Photographic Society June Challenge Results

June 18, 2019 - The Piney Woods Photographic Society held their regular monthly meeting this past Saturday, June 15th, 2019. With the June challenge being "Motion", there was a wide variety of photographs submitted by club members for critique and voting. With a challenge of 24 outstanding and creative photographs, the members had an extremely had time picking their favorites.

Piney Woods Photographic Society Meeting to Highlight "Long Exposure" Photography

June 11, 2019 - The Piney Woods Photographic Society announces their regular monthly meeting on Saturday, June 15, 2019, at the First United Methodist Church, 211 Porter St., Center, TX. from 9:00 a.m. - 12:00 p.m. The monthly challenge "Motion" will feature photographs submitted by members for critique and judging. There will also be a workshop on how to shoot "Long Exposure" photographs. If you are interested in how to photograph any upcoming July fireworks, this workshop might be of interest to you.

PWPS Members Show Off with May Challenge Entries

May 20, 2019 - I'll tell you what!!! The Piney Woods Photographic Society (PWPS) members that submitted photographs to the Challenge really showed off!!!! So many different pics and techniques were demonstrated in this month's Challenge - "Flowers." Really expanding your horizons here!

ALL of the 27 submitted photographs are 1st Place material, unfortunately voting only allows for the 3 most favorite; or in this case 5! I myself was really impressed with the number of unique style of photographs shown here. "Wonderful pics people!!!"

Piney Woods Photographic Society May Meeting

May 15, 2019 - The Piney Woods Photographic Society will be holding their regular monthly meeting this Saturday,May 18, 2019, from 9:00 a.m. - 12 p.m. at the First United Methodist Church, 211 Porter St., Center, Tx., and anyone interested in photography is invited  to attend.

The May Challenge of "Flowers" will show the work of members for voting and critiquing.  

There will also be a workshop on "Shutter Speed."

Piney Woods Photographic Society April Meeting, Challenge Winners

April 24, 2019 - The Piney Woods Photographic Society held their regular monthly meeting this past Saturday, April 20, 2019, in Center, TX. There was a workshop on "Better Flower Photography" presented by Billie Jones, in preparation for the May Challenge "Flowers". There was also a short tutorial, presented by Lawrence C Davis, on post processing your flowers using the Light Room Editing Program. The Patterns and Texture Challenge was obviously well liked by members due to the large number of photographs submitted for critique and voting.

Piney Woods Photographic Society April Meeting

April 16, 2019 - The Piney Woods Photographic Society will be holding their regular monthly meeting this Saturday, April 20, 2019, from 9am - 12pm at the First United Methodist Church, 211 Porter St., Center, Tx., and anyone interested in photography is invited  to attend. 

The April Challenge of "Patterns and Textures" will show the work of members for voting and critiquing.  

There will also be a workshop on "Better Flower Photography."


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