Submitted by Billie Jones

Piney Woods Photographic Society February Meeting

February 11, 2020 - The Piney Woods Photographic Society will be holding their regular monthly meeting this Saturday, February 15, 2020, at the First United Methodist Church,211 Porter St., Center, TX. from 9am to 12 noon. The workshop will be on "Photographing Winter" that will give tips and techniques on how to get the most out of your wintertime photography. The club Challenge is "Red Hot" featuring photographs showing the color Red as the main focal.

Piney Woods Photographic Society First Club Meeting of 2020

January 15, 2020 - The Piney Woods Photographic Society will hold their first club meeting of 2020, this Saturday, January 18, 2020, at the First United Methodist Church, 211 Porter St., Center, TX., 9 a.m. - 12 p.m. The monthly challenge will be a "Photographer's Choice". Members will submit up to three photographs of their choice to the challenge for critique and voting for favorites. There will also be a workshop on how to photograph "REDS". 

Piney Woods Photographic Society October Challenge Results:

October 21, 2019 - The Piney Woods Photographic Society held their regular monthly meeting this past Saturday.  The club challenge "Silhouettes and Shadows" featured photographs submitted by club members for critique and voting.  There was also a workshop on "Natural Light vs Flash photography." This was in preparation for the November challenge"Portraits" .  

2019 Poultry Festival Photography Show Winners

October 6, 2019 - This year's photography show was a huge success! All the entries were exceptional and the judges certainly had a tough group of photos to work with. Thanks to all the competitors and volunteers for their interest and hard work. A very special thanks to Dr. Charles R. Collard and his staff, for their support and help in converting the optical clinic to a photo gallery and the members of the Piney Woods Photographic Society for helping to set up and host the exhibit and greet all those who attended.

Children Division

Thank You Letter from Photography Show Coordinator

October 5, 2019 - Well, another year is done. This made 10 years I’ve been Photography coordinator at the ETPF at Vision Source office. I want to thank Dr Randy Collard for allowing me to overtake his office with all those photographs, 195 entries this year! A very special thanks to the members of the Piney Woods Photographic Society for helping me to set up, take down and host the exhibit by greeting everyone who came through the exhibit and answered any questions anyone had the past 4 days. I hope anyone that came through the exhibit enjoyed it.


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