Submitted by Billie Jones

Piney Woods Photographic Society Announces June Winners

June 24, 2020 - While practicing social distancing, the Piney Woods Photographic Society did not hold their regular monthly meeting this past Saturday. But, while learning from articles and videos posted on their facebook page, the members did hold a virtual Challenge, "Around Tuit", featuring photos on round or circular objects.

Piney Woods Photographic Society June Virtual Challenge

June 18, 2020 - Due to Covid-19 restrictions and the rise in the number of cases still looming, the Piney Woods Photographic Society will not be having their regular monthly meeting this Saturday. There will be a virtual challenge "Around Tuit" on their Flickr page, The photographs, specifically showing round/circular objects, are submitted by members for voting and critique.

Piney Woods Photographic Society Announces Macro Photography Winners

May 18, 2020 - The Piney Woods Photographic Society held their online monthly challenge on Macro photography, "Itsy-Bitsy." Members who submitted photographs created some really spectacular photographs this month. I can see that there was a lot of work put into these pics this month. Participants really showed a lot of creativity with their entries.

PWPS Plans for June Meeting; Monthly Challenge Continues

May 13, 2020 - The Piney Woods Photographic Society (PWPS) will not be holding their regular monthly meeting, due to Covid 19 and social distancing. Hopefully things will be better in time for June meeting, but in the meantime there will be a monthly challenge "Itsy-Bitsy".  

These are photographs submitted by members only,  for voting and critique. Anyone can enjoy looking at the challenge photographs by viewing our flickr page,

Piney Woods Photographic Society April Challenge

April 20, 2020 - Although the Piney Woods Photographic Society did not actually hold their regular monthly meeting again, that did not stop them from posting reading material/instructions on their Facebook page on how to photograph reflections and having an online photo challenge featuring photographs taken and submitted by club members using reflections.

Piney Woods Photographic Society Invites Community to View Online Submissions

April 14, 2020 - Just didn’t want to leave anything up in the air. To comply with Social distancing The PWPS (Piney Woods Photographic Society) will not be holding their regular monthly meeting this month. But there will be an online challenge “Double Up” of photographs submitted by members featuring reflections of their choice.

Enjoy viewing all the photographs submitted by members by going to

Piney Woods Photographic Society March Challenge Winners

March 22, 2020 - Although the PWPS was unable to hold their regular monthly meeting this past Saturday, the monthly challenge "Baby It's Cold Outside" was viewed online via Flickr and voted by members for their favorites. PWPS holds their monthly meeting the third Saturday of each month at the First United Methodist Church, 211 Porter St., Center, TX. They provide learning workshops and challenges each month to members and visitors alike.


Subscribe to RSS - Submitted by Billie Jones