Submitted by Neal Murphy

Boy Howdy by Neal Murphy

July 15, 2015 - Being a born and bred native Texan, I sometimes have to stop and consider some of the idioms or sayings that I use routinely without even a second thought. Folk who are not from around here sometime have a difficult time with the sayings that we natives all use. As one northerner once put it, “My brain hurts, but I get it now.”

“The Changing English Language”

April 15, 2015 - When I was in both high school and college, the teaching of the English language was of great importance. I was taught that certain axioms of the language would never change over time, such as: never end a sentence with a preposition, do not use dangling participles, and never use double negatives either in speech or writing.

“Texas - State of Mind”

March 2, 2015 - Most Texans are proud of their state. Texas has a lot to offer its residents, and bragging rights are included. I realize that we Texans have a reputation for being outwardly proud. In fact I read where a father instructed his son, “Son, don’t ask a man where’s he’s from. If he’s from Texas, he’ll tell you. If not, there ain’t no need to embarrass him.”


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