Submitted by Neal Murphy

"Lexophile Humor" by Neal Murphy

February 16, 2016 - As a writer I suppose that it is normal that I love working with words.  I love puns and jokes.  Perhaps you are not familiar with the word “lexophile”.  It means a person who loves words and word plays.  They love to put words together that have dual meanings.  Some people call them “puns”.

Christmas Piano Recital to be Presented

December 7, 2015 - On December 15, 2015 at 7:00pm, Clara Murphy will present her students in a piano recital at First Baptist Church, San Augustine, Texas. Participating students will be: Rebecca Bullock, Hannah Fountain, Peyton Stephens, Raven Jenkins, Lake Blackwell, Cesily Hilton, Justine Magdalene Chavez, Mason McGown, Bethany Dorsey, Jalyn Mosley, Sayde Miller, Zoe McKinney, Kailey Sowell, LeAndra Wilson and Zach Bennett.

Author Neal Murphy Releases "East Texas Serendipity"

New book explores answers to life's many questions from author’s perspective

November 17, 2015, SAN AUGUSTINE — For author Neal Murphy, East Texans like him tend to see things from a more relaxed perspective and they are more attentive to the details given by Mother Nature. In "East Texas Serendipity - Discovering Stories, History, and Tales from an East Texan’s Perspective," (published by Xlibris) he shares some of the humorous events that happened to him over the years while living in East Texas.

"Kathy Fiscus" by Neal Murphy

October 5, 2015 - I am going to test you older folk’s memories with this story.  I was thirteen years old when the event occurred, but I can still remember it vividly.  There was continuous radio coverage, and a new medium, television, covered the story live which was a landmark event in American television history.

Kathryn Anne Fiscus was a three-year old girl who fell into an abandoned well in San Marino, California.  She fell over ninety feet down the fourteen-inch-wide shaft of an abandoned water well.

Sneezes and Blessings by Neal Murphy

September 15, 2015 - It has happened to all of us. You are sitting in a room of people and your nose suddenly starts to tingle, followed by itching, then by the unmistakable urge to sneeze. All you can do is close your eyes and “let-her-rip”. Usually several people around you will say, “God Bless You”. You have just been blessed by people you don’t even know, all because you sneezed. Why is that? What is it that prompts strangers to want to bless you?


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