Submitted by Sydney Brookshire

Center Elementary to Host Annual Reading Campout

October 24, 2017 - Center Elementary will host the annual Reading Campout on Tuesday, October 24 and Thursday, October 26 from 5:30pm-7pm.

Activities include reading brand new Texas 2x2 books in tents with flashlights, eating hot dogs and s'mores, and enjoying campfires and hayrides. A parent or guardian must accompany students on the hayride.

Families are welcome to come the night of their choice.

Center HS Agriculture Students Selling Pecans, Fruit

October 24, 2017 - The Center HS Agriculture Department is selling pecans and fruit this year to help fund student trips for contests across the state. 

Pecans are Merritt Pecans. They are selling halves and pieces. They come in a plastic container that can be frozen or resealed after eating. Delivery date is November 8th.

  • Halves are  $14 for a 1 lb container and
  • Pieces are $13.50 for a 1 lb container

Fruit is handled by River Star Farms and is delicious! Delivery date is December 4th for fruit.

Center HS Picture Day Set for Oct 19

October 10, 2017 - Students in grades 9-11 will take their yearbook photos on Thursday, October 19. Photos can be ordered with the order form which will be sent home on October 12, or they can be ordered online at with code HC017588Y0. 

Yearbooks are on sale in room 302 for $45. Cash/Check is available. 

Senior retakes are scheduled for December 1st.

Center Middle School Red Ribbon Week October 23-27

October 10, 2017 - Throughout the week of October 23rd-27th, CMS will participate in Red Ribbon Week. Red Ribbon Week is the nationally recognized anti-drug effort that delivers one of the most important messages students will ever receive: “You have a choice to live a drug-free life”

It is important that we remind our young students that staying healthy means staying drug free. We want our students to learn to say “Yes” to a healthy lifestyle and “No” to drugs.

The following dress up days were chosen by students:  

Center ISD Riders of the Week: October 9-13th

October 9, 2017 - Center ISD announces the Riders of the Week for October 9th through October 13th. Click here for more information about the Riders of the Week.

High School - Jeremiah Gregg and Scarlett Shires
Middle School - Obed Lopez and Raylee Akridge
Intermedicate School - Ramiro Ramirez-Flores and Michelle Guevara-Garcia
Elementary School - Ja'Reka Calloway and Alex Gomez
F.L. Moffett - Sean Williams and Gentry Nelams

CHS Parking Lot Unavailable Oct 7 - 8; Student Arrival Times

October 2, 2017 - The student parking lot at Center High School will be unavailable for parking vehicles from 7am on Saturday, October 7 through 10pm Sunday, October 8th. On those days, the students participating in the "Paint Your Spot" fundraiser will be working on painting parking spaces. The entrances to the lot will be barricaded.

Students may arrive at 1pm Saturday and at 12:30pm on Sunday to paint. Do not arrive before!


Subscribe to RSS - Submitted by Sydney Brookshire