Composed by J.J. Ford

50 Women Impact Raises $11,200; Even Divided Makes an Impact

June 16, 2021 - The second quarter of 2020 donation from the 50 Women Impact was awarded to two worthy organizations, the Cole DePriest Scholarship Foundation and Shelby County Outreach Ministries.

The 50 Women Impact who work together as one had a tie for the first time once all the votes were tallied. The total raised by each member giving $100 was $11,200 which breaks down to each organization receiving $5,600. The power of giving as one still stands true as the organization continues to grow in membership and their impact is still great even when given among two.

Covid-19 Update: 10 New Cases, 2 New Deaths, 18 Active Cases

June 8, 2021 - According to the Texas DSHS Covid-19 Dashboard, during the first eight days of June there have been 2 new deaths, 10 new cases, and 7 new recoveries reported.

June 8th (12:55pm) Numbers: (changes since May 31st)
Total Confirmed Cases - 950 (4 new)
Total Probable Cases - 767 (6 new) 
Total Fatalities - 70 (2 new)
Total Estimated Active Cases - 18
Total Estimated Recovered - 1,629 (7 new)


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