Composed by J.J. Ford

City of Tenaha Election Results

May 3, 2021 - The City of Tenaha held their city election for three council positions on Saturday, May 1, 2021.

New council members are Janice Barton, Bryan Adams, and O'Neal Jones.

The election number totals:

Place No. 1:
Janice Barton - 72
Stanvac Lynn Morris - 49

Place No. 4:
Bryan Adams - 78 (Unopposed)

Place No. 5:
O'Neal Jones - 87
Natalie Harris - 37

The results are unofficial until they are ratified by the city.

COVID-19 Dashboard Update: April 2021 COVID Numbers, Vaccinations

April 30, 2021 - According to the Texas DSHS Covid-19 Dashboard, 1 new death, 74 new cases, and 138 recoveries were reported in the month of April.

The active cases went from 85 down to 20.

April 30th (2:50pm) Numbers: (changes since April 1st)
Total Confirmed Cases - 932 (30 new)
Total Probable Cases - 742 (44 new)
Total Fatalities - 67 (1 new)
Active Cases - 20
Total Estimated Recovered - 1,587 (138 new)

COVID-19 Dashboard Update: 1 New Death, 1 New Case, 31 Active Cases

April 22, 2021 - According to the Texas DSHS Covid-19 Dashboard, since yesterday, 1 new probable case of Covid-19 has been reported. In April, the total number of new cases reported is 61.

The dashboard also reports 1 additional death from COVID-19 raising the total death toll to 67.

April 22nd (4:40pm) Numbers: (changes since April 21st)
Total Confirmed Cases - 928
Total Probable Cases - 733 (1 new)
Total Fatalities - 67 (1 new)
Active Cases - 31
Total Estimated Recovered - 1,564 (6 new)

COVID-19 Dashboard Update: 8 New Cases in Past Week, 36 Active Cases

April 21, 2021 - According to the Texas DSHS Covid-19 Dashboard, since April 15, 2021 a total of 8 new cases of Covid-19 have been reported. Of the new cases, 7 were new confirmed cases and 1 was a new probable case.

The Texas DSHS Covid-19 Dashboard finally reports a positive number of active cases with a decrease in the number of recoveries previously reported. Since April 8th the dashboard has had a data discrepancy with more recoveries than active cases. Mathematically the number of active cases was a negative number and the dashboard only reflected 0.


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