What's New at the Library

June 11, 2021 - The Fannie Brown Booth Library Summer Reading/Learning Program got off to a great start.

On Wednesday morning, our Preschool Story Time for ages 2-5 years resumed with a bang. Our story, 'The Monkey Goes Bananas,' was dramatically read by Terri Lacher. Crafts and music were enjoyed by all.

On Thursday, our Imagineers (ages 6-8) had a blast building marshmallow shooters, rocket launchers and learning about propulsion. The Tweens (ages 9-13) learned valuable skills in map-reading and enjoyed a race to find the shortest route to South Padre Island.

The Summer Reading/Learning Program is sponsored by the Center Noon Lions Club.

June 9, 2021 - The Fannie Brown Booth Library will kick off the 2021 Summer Reading/Learning Program Wednesday, June 9th. Preschool Story Time will begin at 10:30 am. This is for children ages 2-5 years. We will have a story, songs, crafts and lots of fun.

Wednesday, June 9 at 2:00 pm, we will have our Adult program. This week, we will be making stress kits.

Thursday, June 10 at 10:30 am, our Imagineers (ages 6-8 years) will meet and have a marshmallow shoot.

Also, Thursday, the Tweens (ages 9-13 years) will meet for Where Are You? They will be learning to read a road map and plan a trip with it.

Reading logs can be picked up at the Library.

Our Summer Program is sponsored by the Center Noon Lions Club.

Related article: Lions Club Sponsors 2021 Summer Reading, Learning Program

November 4, 2020 - It's November and the Fannie Brown Booth Library is celebrating DINOVEMBER - a month long celebration of dinosaurs. We will have pictures on Facebook of our dino-friends getting into mischief. If you do not follow us on Facebook, just go to the Fannie Brown Booth Library page and Like us.

The Preschool Activity Bags handed out this month will be Dinosaur-themed.

Our hours at the library have changed due to COVID-19.

  • Tuesday, Wednesday, Friday: 10am - 4pm.
  • Thursday: 12 noon - 6pm.
  • Saturday, Sunday, Monday: Closed

Wear your mask and stay safe!

June 16, 2020 - We are back! Well, we will be soon! Fannie Brown Booth Memorial Library has scheduled a tentative, part-time reopening for Wednesday, June 17, 2020, from 10:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. We are very excited about this, but also want to keep public safety and the safety of the staff as our highest priority. We hope that this leads to us being open more days throughout the week and eventually being open full time again. However, with the Covid-19 positive tests still rising in Shelby County, we intend to take this one day at a time.

Now, there will be a few rules that will need to be adhered to in order for us to make this work in a safe manner for everyone. We are limited to the number of people we can have in the library at a time, so we ask for your patience while we work out the best way to ensure this. If you come to the library during a time when we have announced we will be open and the door is locked, please knock loudly or call us (936-598-5522). This may be one way we can ensure that the limit is enforced.

At this time, we will only have 3 computers available for use by patrons. Times may be limited based on patron needs. We feel this will be the best way to ensure social distancing and patron safety. If you would like to schedule time on the computer instead of just dropping by, please call the library and make arrangements with Sandra Davis.

Also, masks will be required to enter the library and the entire time you are in the library. By this we mean: 1) You must WEAR the mask on your face the entire time you are in the library and 2) You must wear your mask CORRECTLY, covering your mouth and nose. We understand that some people may find this inconvenient, and we are truly sorry about that. Again, patron and staff safety will be our priority during this time. We do not know who we encounter throughout our day who may be dealing with underlying health issues that increase their risk of complications from this disease, and we are devoted to ensuring, as we attempt this part-time reopening, that our library is and continues to be as safe as possible for everyone who comes in our doors. Your cooperation in this matter will be appreciated.

We have decided that it is not safe to resume our programs at this time. Pre-School Storytime, Summer Reading and Learning Program, Adult Coloring, and Adult Crafternoon will be cancelled until further notice. However, we will have take-home crafts for various ages available at the library for pickup. Please call us to let us know what age packet you need and when you can pick it up, and we will have it available for you at that time. We have put a lot of time into coming up with something to replace our normal summer activities, and we hope that these packets help in some way. We are all disappointed about having to cancel our weekly programs and our Summer Reading and Learning Program, and we know you are, as well. We are looking forward to being able to resume normal programing when it is safe for everyone.

We also want to take this time to thank everyone for their phone calls and messages checking up on us! Our patrons are the absolute best, and we definitely know it! We hope everyone is staying safe and healthy.

At this time, this is all the information we have for you. Please keep an eye on the Light and Champion, ShelbyCountyToday, the Center Radio Station, and our Facebook page for more updates.

February 5, 2020 - According to Library Representative Terri Lacher, she said "We received a phone call from Phyllis Still, our guest speaker this Saturday, informing us she has also come down with the flu, and therefore regrets she won't be joining us this Saturday. However, the Writers' Group will still be meeting and we would love to have anyone join us who would like to know more about us and grow in our journey to share our stories. We will still meet from 12:00 to 2:00 on Saturday, February 8th. See you there!"

Fannie Brown Booth Library Hosting an Award-Winning Texas Author

February 4, 2020 - The Fannie Brown Booth Library, and the Fannie Brown Booth Library Writer's Group will be hosting award-winning Texas author, Phyllis Still, at the next monthly meeting on Saturday, February 8, 2020, from 12 noon to 2:00 p.m.

She will share her journey from writing down her stories to moving forward with the publishing phase of her writing. Phyllis is an eighth-generation descendant of DAR Patriot, Mary Shirley McGuire, the inspiration behind the Dangerous Loyalties series. Phyllis loves her family, pets, road trips, history, and playing games with her grandchildren. Her adventurous childhood through seven states created her vivid imagination and a love for stories about people who have overcome hardships.

All writers and history buffs, and general public are welcome to come to share the journey and support this up and coming author. Phyllis will have copies of her latest books on hand and will be available for book signing. We look forward to seeing you there!

“Everything you wanted to know about writing but were afraid to ask...”

January 8, 2020 - Have you ever had the desire to write poetry, short stories, or even the “great American novel” ? Or, do you have a strong family history that you would like to write down to pass on to your children or grandchildren? How many times have you read something and said to yourself, “I could write that.”

These workshops will present a brief overview of the various styles of writing, including handouts and references for possible writing projects. The only requirement is a desire and willingness to write. Consider the workshops as an “appetizer” for your future writing projects. 

Monthly Meetings beginning Saturday, January 11, 2020, from 12:00 noon to 2:00 pm at the Fannie Brown Booth Memorial Library.

Topics covered: Journaling, Writing Memoirs, Non-Fiction, Fiction, Newpaper reporting, and Poetry. Materials needed for workshop: Notebook, pens or pencils – handouts will be provided with each session.

*Workshop facilitated by Terri Lacher, Columnist, Author/Illustrator, and Speaker. Works included in Chicken Soup for the Soul, We The People of Shelby County, Becoming Women of Worth, the Light and Champion, Around the Town, and author/illustrator of children’s books. For more information, you may contact Sandra Davis at FBBL (936)598-5522, or Terri at (936)598-3484 or at talacher@sbcglobal.net

July 11, 2019 - Our last Summer Reading/Learning event at the Fannie Brown Booth Library will be Thursday, July 11th at 10:30am.  Magician David Gish will thrill and mesmerize us with his magic tricks.  Both younger children and TWEENS will meet together for this performance.

Parents, don't forget that reading logs are due on Thursday, July 11th.

Our Summer Reading/Learning program is sponsored by the Center Noon Lions Club.

June 27, 2019 - The Fannie Brown Booth Library is already in their fourth week of the 2019 Summer Reading/Learning program. Creature Teacher will be their star attraction this week. She educates the children on the animals and allows the children to interact with some of them. 

Creature Teacher has been educating children about animals for 20 years and holds over 600 shows per year. When the original owner retired in 2011, Belinda Henry became the new owner. She has been part of their Summer Program for several years. And as some will no doubt remember, she brought her kangaroo joey, JAXX, with her.

Creature Teacher will hold the program for the younger group (ages 4-8) on Thursday, June 27th, at 10:30 a.m. She will be there for the TWEEN program on the same date at 2:00 p.m.

 The Summer Program is sponsored by the Center Noon Lions Club.

June 11, 2019 - The first week of the Summer Reading/Learning Program at the Fannie Brown Booth Library was fantastic! We had good attendance for all programs and some awesome programs. This week we will start with our Preschool Story Time on Wednesday, June 12th at 10:30 a.m.

This program is for ages 2 - 5 years. Children must be accompanied by a caregiver.

On Thursday, June 13th at 10:30 a.m., we will have Alien Day for ages 4-8 years. A short video about a little alien will be shown, songs will be sung, and crafts made. 

On Thursday, June 13th at 2:00 p.m., the TWEENS (ages 9-13 years) will have Star Wars Day. They will learn what it takes to be a Jedi.

We will also have Colorpalooza on Friday, June 14th at 2:00 p.m. This is coloring for all ages. The Library will provide coloring pages, colored pencils, gel pens and markers. Just bring your imagination!

Reading logs, along with a schedule of summer events, can be picked up at the Library or seen on Facebook at the Fannie Brown Booth Library Facebook page. 

Our Summer Program is sponsored by the Center Noon Lions Club.

June 5, 2019 - Summer is right around the corner and the Fannie Brown Booth Library is getting ready for the 2019 Summer Reading/Learning Program.

Our first event will be Wednesday, June 5th, at 10:30 a.m. with Summer Preschool Story Time. This program is for ages 2-5 years. Children must be accompanied by an adult caregiver.

On Thursday, June 6th, at 10:30 a.m., Puppet Wise Productions will be performing FUTURE FROLICS: MOON MISSION puppet show for ages 4-8 years.

Also on Thursday, June 6th, at 2:00 p.m., the Tweens (ages 9-13 years) will be making alien-style music with ALIEN DRUM BEATS. It may get noisy in the Library that afternoon!

Reading logs, along with a schedule of summer activities, may be picked up at the Library. In honor of the 50th Anniversary of man walking on the moon, this year's theme is A UNIVERSE OF STORIES.

Our summer program is once again sponsored by the Center Noon Lions Club
