What's New at the Library

March 4, 2016 - Spring is in the air and it is book sale time again at the Fannie Brown Booth Memorial Library! The book sale will be April 26 - 30.

As always, the Friends of the Library group is looking for volunteers to help sort books, set-up, and organize the week before the book sale (April 19-23), and to help with the sale itself. If you would like to volunteer, or become a Friend of the Library yourself, please call Amy Robertson at 657-8529 or contact the library at 598-5522 to leave a message for Amy.

If you have any gently used books, audio books, or DVD’s you would like to donate to the library and/or the book sale, please bring them by anytime during the library’s open hours. Every donation helps and is appreciated (and could be tax deductible for you!). Although we will still appreciate the generosity of your nature, we can’t accept the donation of encyclopedias or textbooks at this time.

February 2, 2016 - The Fannie Brown Booth Library will be hosting a Youth Writing Workshop and an Adult Writing Workshop starting February 2nd. The workshops will be taught be Terri Lacher, author and speaker.

Youth Writing Workshop: Feb. - May, 2016 on 1st & 4th Tuesdays of each month, after school from 3:30 pm to 4:30 pm. For ages 9 years - 15 years of age. Workshop is free and materials will be provided.

Adult Writing Workshop: February 2nd, 9th, 16th, & 23rd at 6:00 pm to 7:30 pm in library Redditt Room. Materials needed for workshop: Notebook, pen or pencil. Workshop is free of charge.

For more information, please call the library at 936-598-5522 or Terri Lacher at 936-598-3484.

Submitted by Sandra Davis

December 15, 2015 - This will be my last article reporting on the library news. It’s hard to believe that the first one was nearly 14 years ago. The best part of library work is, of course, the wonderful people you get to know. You would like to personally thank each and everyone for their support of the library and myself as director, but unfortunately that’s impossible. Having a good library is a community effort at its best. We’ve been fortunate at the Fannie Brown Booth with so many supporters over the years. My hope is that it will continue.

When I had to select a mission statement for some government grant I was writing, I read a ton of mission statements from other libraries. I saw the task as just another bureaucratic hurdle to get over. However, once I started reading them I began to think of what our mission as a library really was and found one that said exactly what I feel is our mission. I hope it remains so.

The Fannie Brown Booth Library’s mission is to maintain and improve the quality of life for all citizens of the community by providing resources that contribute to individual knowledge, enlightenment, and enjoyment in the most efficient and user friendly manner possible. We especially recognize our responsibility to serve as a place for children to discover the joy reading and the value of libraries.

New Arrivals

Study Guide for the U.S. Citizenship and Naturalization Test - Proctor, Robert
Stars of Fortune - Roberts, Nora (audio)
The End Game: a Brit in the FBI - Coulter, Catherine
The Guilty - Baldacci, David
Depraved Heart - Cornwell, Patricia Daniels
Tricky Twenty-two - Evanovich, Janet
Cross Justice - Patterson, James
Precious Gifts - Steel, Danielle
Wishes for Christmas - Michaels, Fern

October 26, 2015 - The FOL Fall Book Sale starts tomorrow at 10:00 a.m. at the Fannie Brown Booth Library. This is one of two book sales conducted yearly by the Friends of the Library to raise funds for new library books. It is a place to find the very best book bargain in the area. In addition to first rate mystery, romance and general fiction novels, the sale offers bargains in videos, audio books, children’s books, craft books, western novels and interesting nonfiction books. The sale will conclude at 2 p.m. on Saturday, Oct. 31.

Did you know…the library now has a computer database for small engine repairs? This database contains guides for small engines, maintenance, repairs, etc. The user can search by product type, brand, and model. In addition to all needed information, there are “how to” videos that can be watched containing step by step instructions. You can access this database from home as well as at the library. All that is needed is the login information that can be gotten by calling the library and asking for Cassey.

New Arrivals

Practice to Deceive - Rule, Ann
The Murder House - Patterson, James (Audio)
Saturn Run - Sandford, John (Audio)
The Hot Country - Butler, Robert Ole
The Dead Caller from Chicago - Fredrickson, Jack
The Executor - Kellerman, Jesse
Dublin Dead - O'Donovan, Gerard,
Skin Game - Butcher, Jim
A Knight of the Seven Kingdoms -Martin, George R. R

October 20, 2015 - One more week and the Friends of the Library Fall Book Sale will be in full swing. All proceeds from the sale starting on Tuesday, Oct. 27th at 10:00 are used to buy new library books. There is something for everyone in this sale with selections of cookbooks, current fiction, audio books, children’s books, and movies. There is always an interesting selection of vintage books that may contain a treasure waiting to be discovered and perhaps auctioned on eBay.

Did you know…? Because of all the misinformation on the Internet and the lack of fact checking, the library has invested in the TexShare Database, a collection of 50+ databases that do contain accurate and scientifically proven information. The medical database is updated daily and is sanctioned by the National Health Institute. If you are seeking information about a newly prescribed medication, a disease, or health issue, you can rely on the information found in this database. These databases can be accessed from home or the library. All that is needed to access from home is a call to the library asking for login information. To access from the library’s computers, ask Cassey at the desk for the needed information.

Butcher, Jim - The Aeronaut’s Windlass
Coulter, Catherine -The End Game
Dallas, Sandra - The Last Midwife
Evanovich, Janet - Scam
Flynn, Vince - The Survivor
Franzen, Jonathan - Purity
Karon, Jan - Come Rain or Come Shine
Macomber, Debbie - Dashing Through the Snow
Michaels, Fern - Fancy Dancer
O’Reilly, Bill - Killing Reagan
Parker, Robert B. - The Devil Wins
Patterson, James - The Murder House
Robb, J. D. - Devoted in Death
Sandford, John - Saturn Run

October 15, 2015 - The M.P. Baker Library of Panola College will be co-hosting a local author showcase with the Sammy Brown Public Library on Thursday, October 22nd from 12:00 – 2:00 PM in the Murphy-Payne Community Room at Panola College.  Eleven East Texas area authors will be on hand to sell and sign copies of their various works.  The event is free and a light lunch will be available for those attending. Authors include Bobbie Shafer, Cathy R. Myers, Edward Hancock, Gae-Lynn Woods, Gina Smith & Elvis, Janet Shrewsbury, Phylis Caskey, Linda Yezak, Liz Talley, Lynn Hobbs, and Patty Wiseman. Several genres will be represented including children’s books, suspense and mystery, romance, and Christian fiction.  Make plans to stop by and do some early Christmas shopping while getting to know some of your own East Texas authors.

October 12, 2015 - The Friends of the Library Fall Book Sale starts Tuesday, Oct. 27th at 10:00 a.m. This is a large sale with lots of book bargains. The selection includes like new mysteries, romances, westerns and a variety of cookbooks, craft books, and children’s books. Looking for a great bargain and way to help our library, stop by the sale and find some great books for the cold winter days.

The library’s preschool story time program is off to a great start this year with 20 children attending last Thursday. This program includes a story and a craft activity designed to encourage language skills that promote good readers. This program also encourages a love of reading and libraries. Evidence of this is former story time participants who now are avid readers of our library books. For more information contact, Sandra Davis, who directs and designs the program.

New Arrivals
Killing Reagan by Bill O'Reilly
Zero to One: Nots on Startups, or How to Build the Future by Peter Thiel
Writing Better Lyrics: The Essential Guide to Powerful Songwriting by Pat Pattison
Facebook & Twitter for Seniors for Dummies by Marsha Collier
Encyclopedia of Spirits by Judika Illes
Big Magic: Creative Living Beyond Fear by Elizabeth Gilbert
The Wonder of Aging: A New Approach to Embracing Life After Fifty by Michael Gurian
The Fate of Ten by Pittacus Lore
Beyond the Call by Lee Trimble
Come Rain or Come Shine: A Mitford Novel by Jan Karon
The Aeronaut's Windlass: The Cinder Spires Series by Jim Butcher
Life is Short (no pun intended) by Jennifer Arnold, MD
Guinness World Records 2016

October 6, 2015 - The Libri Foundation of Eugene, Oregon has awarded a very special non-matching $1,000 Books for Children grant to the Fannie Brown Booth Library. The Libri Foundation was established in 1989 for the sole purpose of helping rural libraries acquire new, quality, hardcover children's books they could not otherwise afford to buy. Since October 1990, the Foundation has donated over $6.5 million worth of new children's books to more than 3,300 libraries in all 50 states.

The Fannie Brown Booth Library has submitted 3 grants in the past that have all been funded. These grants have helped build a quality children’s collection. This year will be the last year of the Libri Foundation. Their final gift to libraries that were in good standing with the foundation was a $1,000 gift of children’s books of the library’s choice. In addition, Libri gave each library a one-year subscription to the Junior Library Guild Science Nonfiction series that will provide a new science book each month for 12 months.

The Fannie Brown Booth library is grateful for the past support of the Libri Foundation and other foundations that support rural libraries across the country. These foundations support the concept that children who learn to enjoy reading at an early age continue to read throughout their lives. In order to develop a love of reading, children must have access to books which stretch their imaginations, touch their emotions, and expand their horizons.

September 29, 2015 - The Friends of the Library members are sponsoring a booth at the Poultry Festival to promote the library. Members will be selling tickets for the quilt raffle. As always, the quilt is a stunner by Charlotte Szabo. In addition to tickets, members are asking for a few minutes of your time to complete a survey designed to get information about how the library can be improved. This survey is important for determining what the community wants and needs from the library.

The Friends of the Library members are also busy organizing the fall book sale that will occur the last week in October. The members want to make the sale easy for book buyers to find their favorite authors and types of books. This is not an easy task with the hundreds of donated books to sort though. If you are interested in helping with this task and could donate a few hours, contact the library.

Did you know that the library has a free genealogy database like Ancestry.com advertised on tv? Unlike Ancestry.com that charges a monthly fee, the library’s Heritage Quest is free and can be accessed from your home computer or a library computer. All that is needed for access is login information. Call the library at 598-5522, to get login information and you can start immediately searching for your ancestors.

Best Sellers
Brown, Dale - Iron Wolf (audio & print) 
Brown, Sandra - Friction (audio & print) 
Cussler, Clive - The Solomon Curse (audio & print) 
Donoghue, Emma - Frog Music
Gregory, Philippa - The Taming of the Queen 
Kellerman, Jonathan - The Murderer's Daughter
Lagercrantz, David - The Girl in the Spider's Web 
McLain, Paula - Circling the Sun: a novel 
Steel, Danielle - Undercover (audio) 
Weiner, Jennifer - Who Do You Love 

August 2015 - This is the time of year at the library when the children who noisily rummaged all summer through bins and shelves for that special book and oohed and aahed at the magician, firemen, and storytellers drift back to school and more serious books. The teachers and young parents who gobbled up our summer bestsellers are turning their attentions away from pleasure reading and back to responsibilities. It is that lull between seasons when there is a certain quiet in the library. It is only broken by our faithful readers who, regardless of seasons, prefer to browse through the shelves for that special book. Once found, these readers want to hold that book in their hands like an old friend who has a good story to tell.

It is that time of year when we begin looking for what is missing and what needs replacing. Of course, there will be a few books about snakes and sharks that won’t find their way back into the library. I suspect they are under some little boy’s bed. When the tasks of getting children back to school is over, a mother will find a much overdue book and deliver it to us with a red-faced apology. There will, of course, be that much loved children’s book who was chewed on by the family’s new puppy… again a red-faced apology. It is also the time when Sandra begins thinking about the preschool story time program and I will begin the cycle of grant writing. It’s always sad to see summer come and go but it’s sometime really good to have a “lull”.

New Bestsellers

Blackwood, Grant - Tom Clancy’s Under Fire
Box, C. J. - Badlands (Audio & Print)
Castillo, Linda - After the Storm
Cline, Ernest - Armada
Harbison, Beth - If I Could Turn Back Time
Lansdale, Joe - Paradise Sky
Lansens, Lori - The Mountain Story
Lee, Harper - Go Set a Watchman (Audio & Print)
Macomber, Debbie - Silver Linings (Audio)
Patterson, James - Alert (Audio & Print)
Reichs, Kathy - Speaking in Bones
Rosenfelt, David - Let the Dog Out
Stephenson, Neal - Seveneves
Weiner, Jennifer - Who Do You Love? (Audio)
