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August 6, 2024 - A county road in precinct 3 is scheduled to be temporarily closed due to railroad work to be conducted August 8, 2024 per Stevie Smith, Commissioner Precinct 3.

Commissioner Smith states, County Road 3831 at U.S. Highway 84 will be closed Thursday morning for the railroad to repair the railroad crossing.

Work will start around 5am and will probably take five or six hours.

August 5, 2024 - Emergency personnel responded to crash incident on State Highway 87 North July 27, 2024, where one vehicle involved is reported to have fled the scene.

When emergency officials arrived at the location just north of CR 4020, a box truck carrying household appliances was visible overturned beside the southbound traffic lane.

According to Texas Department of Public Safety (DPS) State Trooper Keith Jones, at approximately 10:55am in July 27, 2024, an unknown red vehicle entered onto State Highway 87 North from CR 4020 and failed to yield right of way to oncoming traffic. This action interfered with a northbound white 2011 Hino box truck driven by Frank Sanchez, 36, of Houston who took evasive action and lost control of the truck before it rolled off the roadway on the southbound side coming to rest on its passenger side.

Sanchez was transported by ambulance to Shelby Emergency Department for treatment of minor injuries.

At the time of the crash report the suspected vehicle remained at large.

Once a towing service arrived on location, Timpson Volunteer Fire Department personnel remained on scene to divert traffic for an extended period of time. This was to allow for the truck to be unloaded of its contents of kitchen appliances and so the truck could be removed from the scene.

Also assisting at the scene were DPS Trooper Josh Gradberg, the Shelby County Sheriff’s Department and Constable Precinct 5.

August 5, 2024 - City of Joaquin offices have moved to 130 Steve Hughes Drive, Joaquin, Texas 75954. The office is between Ram House and the Fire Station.

Another change is the City of Joaquin has a new online payment system. Customers can look up their account, find out how much is owed, pay their bill, and sign up for auto pay. Go to: It is so much easier and faster than before.

Please note that the city will discontinue PayGov beginning October 1, 2024.

August 5, 2024 - Recently I saw the following post on social media: “… if you are checking in at the polls and they happen to write anything on your ballot before they give it to you, please request a new ballot. Your ballot could be disqualified if it is written on. Please be on the lookout for this type of behavior.” 

I do not know about other states, but this is absolutely not true in Texas, per the Texas Election Code.

Section 62.008 – Presiding Judge to sign ballots:
(a) The presiding judge’s signature shall be placed on the back of each ballot to be used at the polling place.
(b) The judge shall sign each ballot or an election officer shall stamp a facsimile of the judge’s signature on each ballot.
(c) The signing of ballots need not be completed before the polls open, but an unsigned ballot may not be made available for selection by the voters.

Section 85.0311 – Early Voting Clerk to sign ballots:
(a) The early voting clerk’s initials shall be placed on the back of each ballot to be used at the polling place.
(b) The early voting clerk shall enter the initials on each ballot or a deputy early voting clerk shall stamp a facsimile of the initials on each ballot.

Please do not hesitate to contact my office at 936-598-5340 or 936-234-2147 with any questions or concerns in regard to voter registration and/or elections.

Nancy Adams, Shelby County Elections Administrator

August 5, 2024 – Governor Greg Abbott announced that the federal government has updated the Major Disaster Declaration for Hurricane Beryl to include five additional Texas counties now eligible for the Federal Emergency Management Agency’s (FEMA) Individual Assistance program.

"This approval to include five additional counties for individual assistance is a critical step forward to ensure Texans can recover and rebuild from Hurricane Beryl," said Governor Abbott. "As part of Texas' ongoing response to support impacted communities, we continue working closely with our federal and local partners to assess damages caused by this devastating hurricane. I thank the Texas Division of Emergency Management and local emergency management personnel for their tireless efforts to help their fellow Texans in the aftermath of Hurricane Beryl."

After the completion and verification of damage assessments, the following counties have been deemed eligible for FEMA’s Individual Assistance program: Austin, Bowie, Shelby, Trinity, and Waller.

Qualifying Texans in the following counties are eligible for FEMA’s Individual Assistance program: Austin, Bowie, Brazoria, Chambers, Fort Bend, Galveston, Harris, Jackson, Jasper, Jefferson, Liberty, Matagorda, Montgomery, Nacogdoches, Orange, Polk, San Jacinto, Shelby, Trinity, Walker, Waller, and Wharton. Texans can apply for FEMA disaster assistance online at or by calling 800-621-3362.

FEMA’s Individual Assistance program funding assists with expenses such as temporary housing, emergency home repairs, uninsured and underinsured personal property losses, disaster legal services, disaster unemployment assistance, and medical, dental, and funeral expenses caused by the disaster.

Texas may request additional counties for federal assistance based on completion of damage assessments in impacted communities.

The State of Texas continues to take action to provide all available resources to help support local communities impacted by Hurricane Beryl, including:

July 2 – Texas Emergency Management Officials Urged Texans to Keep an Eye on the Gulf this Holiday Week
July 3 – Governor Abbott Directed TDEM to Issue Hurricane Beryl Advisory Notice for Texas Emergency Management Council
July 4 – Governor Abbott directed TDEM to increase the readiness level of the State Emergency Operations Center
July 5 – Acting Governor Patrick Issued a Disaster Declaration for 40 Counties and Held a Press Conference
July 6 – Acting Governor Patrick Expanded Disaster Declarations for an Additional 81 Counties
*July 7 – Acting Governor Patrick Held a Press Conference on Hurricane Beryl to Update Texans on the State’s Preparation Efforts
July 8 – Acting Governor Dan Patrick Provided an Update on Hurricane Beryl Response Efforts
July 9 – Governor Abbott Provided an Update On Hurricane Beryl Response In Texas and Acting Governor Patrick Held a Press Conference and Media Availability
July 10 – Governor Abbott Announces 67 Counties Approved For Major Disaster Declaration and Acting Governor Patrick Holds Press Conference To Update On Hurricane Beryl Response
July 11– Acting Governor Patrick Holds Press Conference On State's Response And Recovery Efforts, requested additional federal disaster assistance for 15 Texas counties, and requested an extension of the incident period for Hurricane Beryl
July 13 – Governor Abbott Announces Approval Of Federal Disaster Assistance For 17 Texas Counties
July 14 – Governor Abbott Provides Update On Texas' Ongoing Hurricane Beryl Response And Recovery Efforts
July 15 – Governor Abbott Tours Hurricane Beryl Resource Staging Area In Houston 
July 16 – Governor Abbott Directs CenterPoint To Improve Their Severe Weather Preparation, Response Practices
July 24 – Governor Abbott Announces Transitional Sheltering Assistance For Hurricane Beryl

August 4, 2024 - The Shelby County Commissioners heard an accounting of the American Rescue Plan Act expenditures and paid a final bill for work completed on the Courthouse Annex during their July 10, 2024 meeting.

The commissioners reviewed the weekly expenses before approving their payment and Ann Blackwell, County Treasurer, indicated one bill from Paul Hagler in the amount of $3,400 was the final one from Hagler for work being performed on the Courthouse Annex building that houses the District and County Attorney offices. There also was a bill from Hagler in the amount of $4,926.15 for work performed on the second floor of the courthouse.

Commissioner Roscoe McSwain moved to pay the weekly expenses and his motion received a second by Commissioner Tom Bellmyer. The motion carried.

Blackwell gave the officers financial reports for the month of June and she highlighted the status of the American Rescue Plan Act (ARPA) funds and gave an accounting.

The beginning available funds totaled $4,909,178.00 and the cash balance as of July 3, 2024 was $1,705,242.12. Blackwell stated to date the county spent $2,220,279.16 on Road and Bridge equipment with the total Road and Bridge expenses, including the Precinct 3 barn and the PugMill, being $2,908,379.53.

Blackwell also gave an accounting of the the LATCF fund where $87,320 has been budgeted for the active courthouse remodel on the second floor and she stated $27,979.95 had been spent as of the meeting. $10,085 was budgeted for courtroom furniture. The remaining balance was $107,021.11. 

A motion was made by Commissioner Smith to approve the officers report and Commissioner Lout seconded the motion. The motion carried.

During the meeting the commissioners approved the RPA application for Project #4781DR to FEMA under the Disaster Declaration due to storm damage in May, 2024, with Commissioner McSwain moving for the approval, and Commissioner Jimmy Lout seconding the motion. The motion carried. 

The commissioners also approved Contracts for Election Services for City of Center and Center ISD with Commissioner McSwain moving to approve the contracts, and Commissioner Stevie Smith seconding the motion. The motion carried.

The commissioners discussed the possibility of requesting bids on a gas generator for the courthouse and a motion was made by Commissioner McSwain to table the issue for further investigation by himself and Commissioner Tom Bellmyer. The motion was seconded by Commissioner Lout and it carried.

Commissioner McSwain addressed the court to comment on the abuse of the dumpster provided at his county barn as most recently, Saturday previous to the meeting, someone had dumped four tires in the dumpster.

“Well, I have to get somebody to get over in there to get them out. Dangerous, nasty. So if I can't figure out how to resolve this, I will cease having a dumpster in my county barn,” said McSwain. “I hate to do that to the public, but I'm sick of a few people ruining the whole show.”

Commissioner McSwain said that if he’s forced to make the investment in cameras and internet for security monitoring, charges will be filed against violators.

The meeting was adjourned at 10:10am.

Shelby County American Rescue Plan Expenditures Detail

  • Beginning: $4,909,178.00; Paid: $3,203,784.48; Pending $1,580,160.94; Totals: $4,783,945.42; Fund Balance: $125,232.58; Cash Balance: $1,705,393.52
  • Grantworks Administration - Paid: $129,717; Pending: $76,183; Totals: $205,900
  • Precinct 1 - Tractor: $77,600; Motor Grader: $399,429; PugMill Project: $254,244.50; Pending: $254,244.50; Haul Truck - 18-wheeler: $147,864.11; Belly Dump Trailer: $40,000; Total Accumulated: $1,173,382.11.
  • Precinct 2 - Tractor: $71,800; Mower: $65,964.55; Backhoe/loader; $133,675.80; Brazos Belly Dump Trailer: $37,590; Haul Truck - 18-wheeler: $147,864.11; Belly Dump Trailer: $40,000; Total Accumulated: $496,894.46.
  • Precinct 3 - Tractor: $77,600; Motor Grader: $399,429; Precinct Barn Facility: $179,611.37; Haul Truck - 18-wheeler: $147,864.11; Belly Dump Trailer: $40,000; Total Accumulated: $844,504.48.
  • Precinct 4 - Skid Steer: $115,692.25; Skid Steer Blade: $7,479.50; Work Truck for Yard: $66,957.62; Trailer 32’ Tandem; $15,605; Haul Truck - 18-wheeler: $147,864.11; Belly Dump Trailer: $40,000; Total Accumulated: $393,598.48.
  • Jail Roof - A-Lert - Total Paid: $400,233.
  • Jail Sewer/Vent Pipe - Total Paid: $162,500.
  • Election Equipment - Total Paid: $223,133.50.
  • Paxton Water Supply Jackson Well - Total Paid: $368,818.39.
  • Huber Water System New Well - Paid: $15,000; Pending: $498,277; Totals: $513,277.
  • Misc Expenses - Bid Advertising: $1,704.

Officers reports for the month of June as presented by Ann Blackwell, County Treasurer:
Fees for the month of June 2024
Officers reports for the month of June 2024 as presented by Ann Blackwell, County Treasurer:

  • Debora Riley, Tax Assessor Collector - Property: $100.117.43; Motor Vehicle: $43.052.83; Total: $143,170.26
  • Jennifer Fountain, County Clerk - $36,250.72
  • Lori Oliver, District Clerk - $3,750.28
  • Donna Hughes, JP1 - $13,483.20
  • Marla Denby, JP2 - $803
  • Melba Rodgers, JP3 - $1,718.00
  • Dee Dee Green, JP4 - $3,145.00
  • Tracy Broadway, JP5 - $5,554.00
  • Zack Warr, Constable 1 - $1,850.00
  • Roy Cheatwood, Constable 3 - $340.00
  • Josh Tipton, Constable Precinct 5 - $90.00
  • Sheriff’s Fees - $3,530.80

Total of $223,685.26

Total investments of $17.471.417.10
Total interest earned on investments of $75,800.77

Agenda items approved during the meeting include:
1. Minutes of June 5th, 2024 Special meeting, June 7th, 2024 Emergency Meeting, June 12th, 2024 Regular meeting, June 19th, 2024 Special meeting, June 26th, 2024 Special meeting, of the Shelby County Commissioner’s Court.
2. Pay weekly expenses.
3. Officers Report.
4. RPA application for Project #4781DR to FEMA under the Disaster Declaration due to storm damage in May, 2024.
5. Contracts for Election Services for City of Center and Center ISD.
6. Adjourn.

Agenda items tabled during the meeting include:
1. Discuss and possibly request bids on a gas generator for the County Courthouse to be purchased with ARPA Funds.

Hawkeye Hunting Club donated $5,000 to Precinct 2 for road improvement. Pictured are (from left) Allison Harbison, Shelby County Judge; Jason Wiebenga, Hawkeye Hunting Club General Manager; and Jimmy Lout, Commissioner Precinct 2.

July 31, 2024 - Nancy Adams, Elections Administrator, addressed the Shelby County Commissioners during their July 3, 2024 meeting about increasing the rental cost of County-owned voting equipment to $100 per machine for the fiscal year beginning October 1, 2024. Adams explained that she presented contracts to John Price, County Attorney, and he approved them.

“The reason I'm doing this early, the Cities and school elections aren't until May every year, but we do Center ISD and we do City of Center and we do those with our November election. So that's why I went ahead prepare the contracts. Mr. Price has approved them and then they just need to be signed off on,” said Adams. “This will be the standard city and school contract, and then of course we'd like to increase our rental on our machines to a hundred dollars per machine to any entity who contracts with us.”

Commissioner McSwain moved to increase the rate for the voting machines at $100 per machine, and his motion was seconded by Commissioner Lout. The motion carried.

Ann Blackwell, County Treasurer, presented weekly expenses for the commissioners to consider and Stevie Smith, Commissioner Precinct 3, contested including a tree removal by Campbell’s Tree Service in the Road and Bridge Precinct 3 expenses.

“It’s got nothing to do with the Road and Bridge, it’s not even on a county road,” said Smith. “That was on a piece of property that Mr. [John] Price is familiar with, he went and looked at it.”

Smith didn’t believe it appropriate for Road and Bridge to pay for the expense. Price explained the tree was on county property and had fallen over onto another property owner’s land where the owner had an old truck parked and the tree was threatening even more damage.

Commissioner Smith stated the tree was 1/2 a mile from any county road and was actually on a city street. Blackwell said she was open to suggestions on how to pay the bill and Roscoe McSwain, Commissioner Precinct 1, suggested paying out of the Courthouse Repair fund or Contingency fund.

“Mr. Price advised to have it done to prevent a claim against the county,” said Judge Harbison.

Clint Porterfield, County Auditor, recommended paying out of the Contingency fund.

Commissioner Smith moved to pay the weekly expenses and Tom Bellmyer, Commissioner Precinct 4, seconded the motion and it carried.

The commissioners were presented with an invoice from Lone Star Global I&E Services on the Jackson Well project in the amount of $4,700 and Blackwell, said due to an oversight, she thought this invoice had already been paid; however, she hadn’t receive it and it still needed to be paid for the Jackson Well Project.

“We had come in under budget as far as what we had allowed for contingency. We had originally allowed $371,293 and what we had spent was $364,118. This $4,700 would still be under what we actually, what we allowed,” said Blackwell.

Commissioner Smith moved to pay the bill with ARPA funds and the motion was seconded by Commissioner Roscoe McSwain. The motion carried.

Jason Wiebenga, Hawkeye Hunting Club General Manager, was present for the meeting and Commissioner Jimmy Lout explained that the club was making a monetary donation of $5,000 for the roads to help upgrade County Road 2308.

Commissioner Lout moved to accept the donation and Commissioner McSwain seconded the motion, and it carried.

The commissioners considered the purchase of seven new Direct to Module cables for Shelby County DPS in the amount of $1,995.

“This is a really big help to the local DPS officers. They can download data from wrecked cars immediately instead of having to wait,” said Judge Allison Harbison.

Texas Department of Public Safety State Trooper Taylor Buster explained that there are times they have waited up to a month to be able to access the data on a vehicle due to equipment not being nearby.

“We've been using it on the county vehicles. If they've been in a crash, we've downloaded several of them, PD (Police Department) units, our own units, if they're involved in it. Any major crash, something that's going to have criminal charges or a fatality to try to determine, you know, the factors surrounding if there was anything,” said Trooper Buster.

Trooper Buster described a circumstance where a witness to a crash incident believed they had heard a blowout just previous to the crash occurring. With the assistance of the data retrieval equipment, the DPS Troopers were able to retrieve information on the tire pressure for all four tires on the vehicle involved just previous to the crash taking place, and it recorded that the pressure was the same in every tire. This helped to clarify for the investigators that the “boom” heard by the witness was actually the vehicle colliding with a tree and not a tire exploding.

“For this year's budget, we actually have it in the budget for the software, the Bosch software. However, we did not budget the cables. The software doesn't do us any good if we don't have the cables that are updated to go with it. We probably should look at putting that in the budget for next year's cable updates,” said Clint Porterfield, County Auditor.

Commissioner McSwain moved to approve the $1,995 as requested and the motion was seconded by Commissioner Tom Bellmyer. The motion carried.

The commissioners considered giving permission for the Precinct 4 Commissioner to access private property on CR 4017 to improve drainage.

Commissioner Bellmyer moved to allow Precinct 4 Commissioner to go on private property off CR 4017 to do a drainage clean out and have a temporary easement for that work. His motion was seconded by Commissioner Smith and the motion carried.

The meeting was adjourned at 10:08am.

Agenda items tabled during the meeting include:
1. Pay weekly expenses.
2. Current payroll.
3. Pay the invoice from Lone Star Global I&E Services on the Jackson Well project in the amount of $4,700.
4. Monetary donation of $5,000 for Precinct 2 Commissioner from Hawkeye Hunting Club to upgrade County Road 2308.
5. Increase the rental cost of our County-owned voting equipment to $100 per machine for the fiscal year beginning October 1, 2024.
6. Purchase of seven new Direct to Module cables for Shelby County DPS in the amount of $1,995.
7. Permission for Pct 4 Commissioner to access private property on CR 4017 to improve drainage.
8. Adjourn.

Agenda items tabled during the meeting include:
1. Discuss and possibly request bids on a 150 or larger KW 3 phase natural gas generator for the County Courthouse to be purchased with ARPA Funds.

July 30, 2024 - Emergency personnel responded to a single-vehicle crash Friday, July 26, 2024, on FM 414.

When officer’s arrived, the truck involved was on the eastbound shoulder of the roadway.

According to the Texas Department of Public Safety, a black 2006 Ford F-150 driven by a 16-year-old male driver with a 14-year-old male passenger was westbound on FM 414 at an unsafe speed for road conditions when it left the roadway in a curve and struck a tree.

The driver was transported by ambulance to Shelby Emergency Department for treatment and was later flown by helicopter to another hospital. The passenger was taken by private vehicle to a hospital for medical evaluation.

Citations were issued to the driver for passenger not secured under 15, and a citation to the passenger for no seatbelt.

The crash was investigated by Texas Department of Public Safety State Trooper Keith Jones.

Units with the Shelbyville Fire Department and Shelby County Sheriff's Department assisted at the scene.

July 29, 2024 - Roscoe McSwain, Commissioner Precinct 1, announces County Road 1044 will be closed at 9am tomorrow, July 31 for culvert replacement.

The road is projectsd to open back up by 12-noon.

July 29, 2024 - The water on San Augustine Rural WSC no longer requires boiling.

On July 23, 2024, the Texas Commission on Environmental Quality required the San Augustine Rural Public Water System, #2030007, to issue a Boil Water Notice to inform customers, individuals or employees that due to conditions which occurred recently in the public water system, the water from this public water system was required to be boiled prior to use for drinking water or human consumption purposes.

San Augustine Rural Water has taken the necessary corrective actions to restore the quality of the water distributed by this public water system used for drinking water or human consumption purposes and has provided TCEQ with laboratory test results that indicate that the water no longer requires boiling prior to use as of July 29, 2024.

If you have questions concerning this matter, you may contact the office: 220 West Columbia Street San Augustine, Texas. 936-288-0489 or Charles Sharp 936-201-5001.

Thank you for your patience and cooperation.

If a customer, individual or employee wishes to contact the executive director, please call (512)239-4691. 

July 24, 2024 - Effective July 23, 2024 Until further notice

Due to electrical outage, the Texas Commission on Environmental Quality (TCEQ) has required San Augustine Rural Public Water System PWS #2030007 to notifyCustomers on the old Bland Lake Water System to boil their water prior to consumption (eg., washing hands / face, brushing teeth, drinking, etc).  Children, Seniors and Persons with weakened immune systems are particularly vulnerable to harmful bacteria, and all customers should follow these directions.
To ensure destruction of all harmful bacteria and other microbes, water for drinking, cooking and ice making should be boiled and cooled prior to use for drinking water or human consumption purposes.  The water should be brought to a vigorous rolling boil and then boiled for two minutes. 
In lieu of boiling, individuals may purchase bottled water or obtain water from some other suitable source for drinking water or human consumption purposes.
When it is no longer necessary to boil the water, the public water system officials will notify customers that the water is safe for drinking water or human consumption purposes. 
Please share this information with all the other people who drink this water, especially those who may not have received the notice directly (for example, people in apartments, nursing homes, schools, and businesses).  You can do this by posting this notice in a public place or distributing copies by hand or mail.
If you have questions concerning this matter, you may contact San Augustine Rural Water System at 220 W. Columbia Street, San Augustine, Texas, 75972, or call 936-288-0489
or Charles Sharp at 936-201-5001.
Texas Commission on Environmental Quality (TCEQ) can also be reached at 512-239-4691.
