By Bro. David Mathis

David's Daily Devotion for November 8

November 8, 2023 - Good Morning! It's Wednesday, November 8.

Have you ever received a bouquet of flowers? Have you ever sent one to someone else? Sure you have. That's why the Flower Industry brings in over 100 BILLION dollars each year! But I was thinking this morning about the moment in our lives when we receive the most flowers. I'm speaking of the final moment of our lives and all those flowers at the funerals.

David's Daily Devotion for November 7

November 7, 2023 - Good Morning! It's Tuesday, November 7.

On November 7, 2017, Audrey Luna, an operatic soprano, was singing on the stage of the Metropolitan Opera House in New York City. That night she produced a pitch that is thought to be the highest recorded vocal note in history - an A above High C. It's hard to know if she really hit that note, since only dogs can hear it (kidding).

David's Daily Devotion for November 6

November 6, 2023 - Good Morning! It's Monday, November 6.

Yesterday, at First Baptist Center, we began our morning worship with the contemporary praise song, "Open Up the Heavens". It's one of my favorite "service starters", with its' upbeat tune, and lyrics focused vertically on God. Speaking of "vertically", this song was written by the Vertical Church Band out of Chicago that burst onto the contemporary worship scene in 2012. "Open up the Heavens" opens with these words, filled with expectation -

David's Daily Devotion for November 2

November 2, 2023 - Good Morning! It's Thursday, November 2.

When you walk into most Baptist churches, you'll find a room called The Fellowship Hall. It's a room where the church family gathers, gathers for potluck meals, for special occasions, for, well, fellowship. That's kind of a "church" word - fellowship. It's our word for what the world would call a party. We had a big party at our church last night, a fellowship, and a great time was had by young and old.

David's Daily Devotion for November 1

November 1, 2023 - Good Morning! It's Wednesday, November 1.

On this day, in 1512, the public first viewed one of the world's greatest artistic achievements - the ceiling of the Sistine Chapel. Located seven stories above the floor, it's covered with a mural painted by Michelangelo. He toiled for four years to produce the masterpiece, standing precariously on a wooden scaffold, with his neck awkwardly craned backwards.

David's Daily Devotion for October 27

October 27, 2023 - Good Morning! It's Friday, October 27.

I love spirituals. I love their simplicity, their honesty. These American songs, created by the African American church before the Civil War, are filled with courage and inspiration. They often contain a touch of melancholy, but also a sense of hope. They are, in every sense of the word, songs of the heart.

David's Daily Devotion for October 26

October 26, 2023 - Good Morning! It's Thursday, October 26.

Here's a very specific question about heaven. What will it sound like? Well, I think I may have gotten a small taste of that sound yesterday.

There's a Mennonite community here in deep East Texas, and yesterday they assembled at my church for a wedding. The ceremony included eight congregational hymns. The 300 voices, unaccompanied by musical instruments, and in perfect four-part harmony, filled our sanctuary. The sound was ethereal. It was angelic. It was heavenly.


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