By Doug Fincher

“The First Sermon I Ever Heard” by Doug Fincher

October 2, 2023 - It was in 1938. Daddy had just moved us to a rent house owned by William Henry Smith located just north of Center, Texas on the Henrietta Road. There were only three Fincher children in our family at that time: Bill was 7 years old, I (Henry Douglas) was five years old, and John was not quite four. We had a dog named “Nellie” and a cow that my Grandmother “loaned” us in those struggling days. We kept the cow behind the house in a patch of grass and yellow bitterweeds.

“Me and Old Smokey” by Doug Fincher

September 11, 2023 - I got my first (and only) school paddling in 1947 when I was a freshman at the Center, Texas High School. When Mrs. Menefee asked us to raise our hands if we had done our homework, everyone raised a hand… except me… and Frank Bryan Cooper. And when she told us to “go to the office,” we both knew we were about to face “Old Smokey,” Mr. Malone’s paddle.

“My Painted Throat” by Doug Fincher

September 5, 2023 - In 1950 at the age of 18, I hitch-hiked to Springfield, Missouri with three dollars in my pocket.  I persuaded the College to let me enroll with the promise to pay as I could for a room in the dormitory.  I was given a room shared with Don Walker of Tyler, Texas.  It was complete with a lavatory, a Panel-Ray Heater a washcloth, a towel, a broom, and two bunk beds.


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