By Bro. David Mathis

David's Daily Devotion for April 5

April 5, 2023 - Good Morning! It's Wednesday, April 5. We continue, this morning, with our series on what Jesus was doing each day of that first Holy Week.

Wednesday of Holy Week is sometimes called Silent Wednesday because the gospels give no specific details about what Jesus was doing that day Most scholars believe that He and His disciples stayed in Bethany, a place where He had many followers and the hometown of His good friends Mary, Martha, and Lazarus. It was the perfect place for Him to rest after three tumultous days, and before the coming storm.

David's Daily Devotion for April 3

April 3, 2023 - Good Morning! It’s Monday, April 3.

This, of course, is Holy Week and each day this week I will be looking at what Jesus was doing on that day. After His triumphant entrance into Jerusalem on Sunday, His Monday began very differently. Matthew 21:12 tells us - He entered the temple area and drove out all who were buying and selling there. He overturned the tables of the money changers and the benches of those selling doves. "It is written", He said, "My house shall be called a house of prayer but you are making it a den of thieves!"

David's Daily Devotion for March 30

March 30, 2023 - Good Morning! It’s Thursday, March 30.

What do you usually say when you hear good news? Well, if you’re like most Christians, you say, “Praise the Lord!” Or, these days, maybe you text PTL!

We find the phrase “Praise the Lord” over 40 times in the Bible, mostly in the Psalms. But The Word encourages us, in countless verses, to give praise to God.

We’re COMMANDED to praise Him. Romans 15:11 - Praise the Lord, all you Gentiles; let all the people praise Him!

David’s Daily Devotion for March 29

March 29, 2023 - Good Morning! It's Wednesday, March 29.

We continue today, during this week leading to Palm Sunday, with a series of devotions on the theme of praise. Contemporary Christian Music is dominated by songs of praise - songs like "How Great is Our God", "10,000 Reasons", and "Raise a Hallelujah". But this morning we focus on a classic hymn of praise, perhaps the greatest ever written - "How Great Thou Art.”


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