By Bro. David Mathis

David's Daily Devotion for October 17

October 17, 2022 - Good Morning! It’s Monday, October 17.

I love crossword puzzles. And every day I try to complete the one from The New York Times. It’s the “gold standard” - the best of the best. I grew up in Houston and started doing the Houston Chronicle crossword when I was a kid. Good puzzle. But not the best. But the best that a South Texas boy could get his hands on.

David's Daily Devotion for October 11

October 11, 2022 - Good Morning! It's Tuesday, October 11.

In the Bible there are stories of at least ten people who were raised from the dead. The Old Testament prophet Elijah raised one of them, as did the prophet Elisha. In the New Testament Peter brought Tabitha back to life and Paul gave life back to Eutychus. But the majority of those ten lucky people were raised by Jesus. Can you name them? Most people can only name one. And He is the subject of today's devotional... Lazarus.

David's Daily Devotion for October 7

October 7, 2022 - Good Morning! It’s Friday, October 7.

Our annual county fall festival started yesterday. I had the blessing to be in our church ice-cream booth as the festivities began and I’ll be there when everything ends on Saturday night. We’re enjoying perfect weather, our remodeled town square looks beautiful, and all signs point to the biggest and best “Poultry Fest” ever!

David's Daily Devotion for October 6

October 6, 2022 - Good Morning! It’s Thursday, October 6.

Today, here in Shelby County, Texas, we begin our annual festival celebrating all things chicken - Poultry Fest! And, this morning, we look at festivals from the Bible.

There are three major Jewish festivals each year. The most famous one is Passover. It's celebrated in the spring, and the name refers to when the Jews were slaves in Egypt and they put the blood of a lamb over their doors to cause the death angel to “pass over” their house. Jesus attended this festival the last week of His life.


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