By Bro. David Mathis

David's Daily Devotion for August 3

August 3, 2022 - Good Morning! It’s Wednesday, August 3.

Today’s the birthday of a famous senior citizen. Quarterback Tom Brady turns 45 today. We don’t usually think of 45 as old, but for a pro football player, it’s practically ancient! And, when the first game kicks off right after Labor Day, Brady will once again be behind center. And after 10 Super Bowl appearances, no one would be that surprised if he ended up in the Big Game once again.

David's Daily Devotion for August 2

August 2, 2022 - Good Morning! It’s Tuesday, August 2.

This Sunday is Promotion Day for our Sunday School children and youth. The day - like in regular school - where students move up a grade. We don’t make our adults do that. And that's why we have couple's classes that started out as “young” years ago, and now are full of grandparents!

David's Daily Devotion for August 1

August 1, 2022 - Good Morning! It’s Monday, August 1.

Joseph Priestly was a minister, theologian, philosopher, scientist, and a friend of Benjamin Franklin. And on this day in 1774, he discovered oxygen. Well, I’m not sure that “discovered” is the right word, since people had been breathing for quite a while before that. I guess Priestly discovered oxygen in the same way that Columbus discovered the New World - which was a surprise to the 60 million Indians already living here. 

David’s Daily Devotion for July 29

July 29, 2022 -  Good Morning!  It’s Friday, July 29.

On July 29, 1961, the legendary songwriter Bob Dylan was involved in a serious car accident.  Exactly five years later, on July 29, 1966, he had a motorcycle crash that almost cost him his life.  I’m thinking that, ever since, Bob Dylan has spent July 29 in bed, with the covers pulled up over his head!

David’s Daily Devotion for July 26

July 26, 2022 - Good Morning!  It’s Tuesday, July 26.

On this day in 1863, a man passed away at the age of 70.  In those seven decades this man -

*Fought in the War of 1812
*Lived for three years with a Cherokee tribe
*Was elected to Congress
*Served as a US Senator
*Was governor of Tennessee (AND Texas!)
*Led the Texas army to victory at San Jacinto
*Was the first president of the Republic of Texas
*Ran for president of the United States

David's Daily Devotion for July 25

July 25, 2022 - Good Morning! It’s Monday, July 25.

I love puzzles. All kinds of puzzles. But, most of all, I love crossword puzzles. The gold standard is the New York Times Crossword and I religiously complete it every day.

There are puzzles in the Bible - mysteries - questions that have no answers.

*Where was the Garden of Eden located?
*Where did Cain’s wife come from?
*What were the Behemoth and the Leviathan mentioned in the Book of Job?
*What year was Jesus born?
*What happened to Jesus between the ages of 12 and 30?

David’s Daily Devotion for July 23

July 23, 2022 - Good Morning! It's Saturday, July 23.

Something happened at my house yesterday that hasn't happened in a long while. It rained! A long, slow, soaking rain. It's been such a hot, dry summer - we really needed it. I hope you got some at your house too. Thanks be to God for the good rain.

God often uses rain as a metaphor, as a symbol, in His Word. Sometimes it symbolizes His blessing. Deuteronomy 32:2. Let my teaching fall like rain and my words descend like dew, like showers on new grass, like abundant rain on tender plants.

David's Daily Devotion for July 22

July 22, 2022 - Good Morning! It’s Friday, July 22.

Today I’m on my way to Houston to sing at a memorial service. A service for one of my best friends. A service for one of the finest pianists I’ve ever known.

Richard and I shared a love for music when we were growing up together in my home church. And we both loved to play piano. But I was always aware (painfully) that he could play rings around me! God began to call me to lead others in worship, and when I started in my first church staff position, Richard was my accompanist.


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