By Bro. David Mathis

National Day of Prayer, Thursday, May 5, on the Square

May 3, 2022 - On Thursday, May 5, Noon - 12:30, the people of Center are invited to gather at the "center of Center", in front of our historic courthouse, for a National Day of Prayer event. Would you give 30 minutes of your day to be one of a hundred community folks to join hands and circle the old courthouse in a prayer chain? That's going to be a memorable moment! The half hour program will also include the singing of the National Anthem and prayers for our country, our community, our schools, our churches, and our first responders.

David's Daily Devotion for May 3

May 3, 2022 - Good morning! It’s Tuesday, May 3.

Seventy years ago, in1952, President Dwight Eisenhower declared a National Day of Prayer on July 4. Forty years ago, President Ronald Reagan decided it would happen each year on the first Thursday of May. And so this Thursday at noon, you’re invited to join me in front of our historic courthouse for the National Day of Prayer. If you’re reading this in Shelby County, Texas, I’ll be looking for you! If you’re one of our far-flung readers, look for an event in your area.

David’s Daily Devotion for April 30

April 30, 2022 - It's Saturday, April 30.

On April 30, 1989, something happened that changed our world completely. Something was invented that day by the British scientist, Tim Berners-Lee. He christened it "The World Wide Web". And in just over 30 years, within the lifetimes of my daughters, the way we gather and share information has been altered in a way that the world hasn't seen since Gutenberg invented the printing press six centuries ago.

David's Daily Devotion for April 29

April 29, 2022 - Good Morning! It’s Friday, April 29.

This Sunday morning, First Baptist Church of Center will have the opportunity to ordain a young man to the gospel ministry. Ordination services are always memorable and inspiring moments. In the moment before the ordination, my brother-in-law will share a very appropriate song - God Leads Us Along.

David's Daily Devotion for April 28

April 28, 2022 - Good Morning! It’s Thursday, April 28.

Our local library is having its annual spring book sale today, and I'm on my way! And I’m thinking about my favorite book.

On April 28, 1926, a girl was born in Monroeville, Alabama. Her name was Harper Lee. 1926 was the year my mother was born. Two southern girls. But Lee grew up to become one of the most celebrated and honored American authors in history.

David's Daily Devotion for April 27

April 27, 2022 - Good Morning! It's Wednesday, April 27.

Last evening, Janette Wittmann, our church pianist, shared a delightful program for our community. A good crowd enjoyed the presentation called, "Music and Nature". Janette shared examples of musical pieces and songs that celebrate the stars, flowers, trees, wind, water, etc. It was a fascinating and inspiring event.

David's Daily Devotion for April 26

April 26, 2022 - Good Morning! It’s Tuesday, April 26.

Today we focus on an interesting word - the word "cipher". Two thousand years ago, when the New Testament was written, the new Christians used the Roman numeral system. We still use it today, at least a little. Maybe you have a clock with Roman numerals on it. But that old system has one big problem - it has no way to represent the number zero.

David's Daily Devotion for April 25

April 25, 2022 - Good Morning!  It's Monday, April 25.

In Mark 16:15, Jesus says this - "Go ye into all the world, and preach the gospel to every creature." Are you a preacher? Most of us, when we hear that word, think of an ordained minister who stands behind a pulpit on Sunday mornings and delivers a prepared sermon to a congregation. But, when we look closer at this scripture verse, that doesn't seem to be who Jesus is talking about.


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