By Bro. David Mathis

David's Daily Devotion for May 13

May 13, 2022 - Good Morning! It's Friday, May 13.

I teach the Broadcast Sunday School lesson each Sunday at 9am. It goes out to local cable TV and FM radio. And it live streams, as does our 10:15 worship service, on our Facebook site - FBC Center, Texas - and on our website - We would be honored and blessed to have any of our Daily Devotion readers to tune us in.

David's Daily Devotion for May 12

May 12, 2022 - Good Morning!  It’s Thursday, May 12.  

What are the best selling books in history?  The novel "Don Quixote" is said to have sold 400 million copies and Charles Dicken’s "A Tale of Two Cities" 200 million. The "Harry Potter" book series tops out at 500 million and my favorite novel, "To Kill a Mockingbird", has sold 40 million. 

David’s Daily Devotion for May 11

May 11, 2022 - Yesterday afternoon I was driving back to Center, Texas from Tulsa, Oklahoma. I sometimes think of Oklahoma looking just like West Texas. And some of it does. But yesterday afternoon I drove through beautiful rolling hills and vast green pastures. At one point I looked out, and on one of those beautiful hills were hundreds and hundreds of grazing cows. It was a picture. It was a picture worth a thousand words. It was a picture that reminded me of these words -

Every beast of the forest is mine, says the Lord, the cattle on a thousand hills. Psalm 50:10

David's Daily Devotion for May 9

May 9, 2022 - Good morning! Today is Monday, May 9.

I hope all you moms had a wonderful Mother’s Day. At First Baptist Center, a “mother’s trio” sang a song called “If I Could Hear My Mother Pray Again.” We dedicated it to all those who were remembering mothers that have gone on to heaven. My mom passed in 2010 and nothing has been quite the same since.

David's Daily Devotion for May 7

May 7, 2022 - Good Morning! It’s Saturday, May 7.

Tomorrow is Mother’s Day, so today we look at a mother in the Bible who epitomizes the selfless love of mothers everywhere.

Her name was Jochebed. You don’t see many couples naming their daughters “Jochebed” these days, which is surprising since it really rolls off the tongue. Anyway, we find her in the first chapter of Exodus. And we also find there a pharaoh “who did not know Joseph”, Joseph saved Egypt from a cataclysmic famine. But he was long dead and forgotten. 

David's Daily Devotion for May 6

May 6, 2022 - Good Morning! It’s Friday, May 6.

I hope that you had the opportunity to attend a National Day of Prayer event yesterday. We had a good crowd to gather here in Shelby County, Texas. But not quite enough to complete the human prayer chain around our historic 1885 courthouse. We were blessed to give it a try, but it turned out not to be possible. Today we focus on a man who did the impossible.

David's Daily Devotion for May 5

May 5, 2022 - Good Morning! It’s Thursday, May 5.

In Ephesians 6 we read these words - “Be strong in the Lord and in His mighty power. Put on the full armor of God, so that you can take your stand against the devil’s schemes. For our struggle is not against flesh and blood, but against the rulers, against the authorities, against the powers of this dark world. Therefore, put on the full armor of God, so that when the day of evil comes, you may be able to stand your ground, and after you have done everything, to stand.”


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