By Bro. David Mathis

David's Daily Devotion for Aug. 31

August 31, 2022 - Good Morning! It's Wednesday, August 31. Bro. David is on vacation this week and is reprinting some favorite devotions from the past. This one originally ran on October 26, 2021.

Autumn shows its colors late here in East Texas. We’re on the threshold of November but trees are just beginning to turn. I was driving through the Smokey Mountains in early September and the leaves were already starting to change. Have you ever wondered what causes the reds and golds to appear? Well, in a word, it’s all about chlorophyll, or really the lack of it.

David's Daily Devotion for Aug. 29

August 29, 2022 - Good Morning! It's Monday, August 29.

Bro. David is on vacation this week and will be reprinting some devotional favorites from the past. This devotion originally ran on September 28, 2021.

On September 28, 1968, the Beatles’ song “Hey Jude” became the #1 song in the world. Many consider it the greatest of all the great songs that came from that group in the ‘60’s. And for many, it was their one and only connection to that name ”Jude”. But there was another.

David's Daily Devotion for Aug. 24

August 24, 2022 - Good Morning! It’s Wednesday, August 24.

My father, a longtime pastor in Houston, was the greatest memorizer of scripture that I have ever known. He had committed the majority of the Bible to memory and would preach sermons, packed with verses, and never use notes. His nickname was “The Walking Bible.” One day, when I was a know-it-all teenager, I asked my dad what his secret was. I asked him what the “trick” was to memorizing scripture. He smiled and replied, “just spend time in The Word.”

David's Daily Devotion for Aug. 23

August 23, 2022 - Good Morning! It's Tuesday, August 23.

In 1500, Christopher Columbus was the governor of the Caribbean island of Hispaniola. Just eight years earlier, he had led the Nina, the Pinta, and the Santa Maria across the Atlantic. Just eight years earlier, he had opened the door to a New World.

But, on August 23, 1500, Columbus was arrested, placed in chains, and put on a ship bound for Spain. Accused of mismanagement and brutality, he returned home to face trial, returned home in disgrace.

David's Daily Devotion for Aug. 22

August 22, 2022 - Good Morning! It's Monday, August 22.

Just a few weeks ago, Shelby County Texas was high and dry. We were in a drought. We were under a burn ban. The temps were in the triple digits and rain was a distant memory. How things have changed! We got three inches over the last few days, it's pouring as I write this, and the weatherman says there's lots more to come.

And so, naturally, I'm thinking about a man... named Noah! Here's a reprint of a clever top ten list. Enjoy.

Everything I Need to Know in Life, I Learned From Noah's Ark.

David's Daily Devotion for Aug. 18

August 18, 2022 - Good Morning! It’s Thursday, August 18.

On this day in 1872, Aaron Montgomery Ward sent out the first mail-order catalog. It was a single sheet of paper. Ten years later, his “Wish Book” had grown to 250 pages with 10,000 items that Americans could conveniently order from their homes. At the turn of the century, millions of catalogs were going out. A century later Montgomery Ward declared bankruptcy and closed its last store. But it still exists online. So, you can still order Ward’s merchandise . . . from the convenience of your home.


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